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Garbo not only has many kinds of glasseware, but also has ceramic cups that makes you fall in love

Pulished on Jun. 12, 2019

The top 3 reason makes you fall in love with ceramic cups

Garbo not only has many kinds of glasseware, but also has ceramic cups that makes you fall in love. It is well known that ceramic products are very popular in China, and even all over the world. 

Nowadays, with the development of modern industry, people gradually like plastic and stainless steel products because of their low cost, not easy to break, and more durable. However, ceramics have never been eliminated from our daily lives. And in recent years, they have become more and more popular among families all over the world. This is because ceramics cups have the advantages and cultural charms that cannot be replaced by other materials.

Here I list the top 3 reasons that why ceramic cups are becoming more and more popular.

The top 3 reason makes you fall in love with ceramic cups

Top reason 1: health

The ceramic cup is made of clay and the process is absolutely suitable for pure natural, non-toxic and harmless. The water in the ceramic cup is not contaminated with toxins and heavy metals, but also because the soil contains rare elements, which can play a important role in the health protection of the human body. 

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have used ceramic cups for thousands of years, that’s also prove the above characteristics. 

The ceramic cups will not have any odor when they are soaked in tea, and the high water temperature will not cause harmful substances in the ceramics.

Therefore, Chinese Tea Art by ceramic cup is not only a Chinese culture, but also one of the methods of health care.

The top 3 reason makes you fall in love with ceramic cups

Top reason 2: Environmental protection

The raw material of the ceramic cup is mud, does not contain heavy metals, and does not have any chemical industrial products, that is, it will not waste people's living resources, nor will it cause pollution damage to the environment.

For example, everyone knows that if plastic products are not recycled after being damaged, they will not be naturally decomposed and will cause harm to the environment. Ceramic cup do not endanger human health or environmental protection.

In the 21st century, we are suffering huge environmental changes. The main reason is caused by our human activities. If we love environmental protection, we should use more natural products like ceramics.

The top 3 reason makes you fall in love with ceramic cups

Top reason 3: functional

The finished ceramic cup must be fired at a temperature of 1,320 degrees Celsius. In normal life, there is absolutely no object that can exceed this temperature.

When the weather is cold in winter, pour the hot water into a glass that has not been preheated. The glass of bad quality will burst, and the ceramic cup will not have this problem; the plastic cup has higher temperature resistance than the glass, but the temperature is high. When the liquid is soaked, the plastic cup will volatilize some harmful substances, and this kind of water will affect the human body.

From these two points, it is undoubted that the practicality of the ceramic cup is safer and more powerful.

The top 3 reason makes you fall in love with ceramic cups

Every time when you hold ceramic cup, it will remind you of the long long Chinese ceramic culture, and it does have the advantages described above. 

I hope everyone will fall in love with the ceramic cup after reading this introduction.