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What are the table manners?

Pulished on Jun. 14, 2019

What are the table manners?

      Table manners. As the name implies, it refers to the etiquette common sense of the dining table at the time of eating and eating, and the problem of catering and etiquette is a long history.

What are the table manners?cid=3

There are four kinds of table manners as below:

1. The etiquette of taking a seat. First invite the guests to the table, then invite the elderly to sit next to the guests in turn, and enter from the left side of the chair. Don't move chopsticks, let alone make any noise, and don't get up and walk around. If there is anything to say hello to the master.

What are the table manners?cid=3

2. Eating etiquette: when eating fish heads, fish thorns, bones and other things, do not spit outside, do not throw them to the ground, slowly hand into their own plate, or put close to their own table or put on the prepared paper

3. Etiquette of conversation: take the time to chat with the left and right people a few funny words, in order to reconcile the atmosphere, do not eat naked, regardless of others, do not gobble up a big meal, let alone gluttony.

4. Etiquette of departure: after dinner, you have to wait for the man and hostess to leave the table before the other guests leave the table. At the end of the meal, fold the napkin and put it on the table before leaving the table.

What are the table manners?cid=3

When you finally leave the table, you must thank the host, or invite the host to visit his home at this time in return