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A Short Guide to Choose and Use Glass Wine Decanter

Pulished on May. 12, 2020

If you enjoy red wine or drink more affordable wine on a regular basis, then using a decanter is a great idea. Some people swear by decanters for their ability to make cheaper wines taste better. Others consider them an important part of the process of drinking and enjoying an expensive, aged bottle. Actually decanting may not look like much, but the increased oxygen exposure to wine greatly improves the taste by softening astringent tannin and letting fruit and floral aromas come out. This article will tell you how to choose and use a glass wine decanter.


When you're young and just learning about wine, decanters may seem like a silly indulgence. What does pouring your wine into a separate container actually do? But then the first time you try wine that's been decanted, you realize it really does make a difference. A wine decanter is serving vessel commonly utilized for liquids to undergo the process of decant.Decanting simply means transferring the wine from the bottle into another vessel. You know that feeling when you walk into your house (or get into your car) after a long day of work and you kick off your stilettos and take that first, deep, relaxed breath? Wine decanting works as the same way you're allowing the wine to breathe.  


Tips for Choosing a Right Wine Decanter

Material - Wine decanters are pretty much always made of glass, since with most other materials you'd risk adding some unwanted flavor to the wine.


Size - For most buyers, wine decanters that fit a single bottle will be the most practical option. Smaller decanters come in handy for those who don't want to risk not finishing a bottle in one evening – if the wine sits in the decanter too long, it turns to acid. 

Shape - Speaking of looks, many higher-end wine decanters are designed to be visually stunning. Wine decanters come in many shapes. you should think about whether the shape will make the wine challenging to pour without dripping – obviously you don't want to make a mess or waste wine. Cleaning your wine decanter thoroughly can be a bit of an involved process. And keep an eye out for dishwasher-safe decanters, which can make the cleaning process much easier.


Importance for Decanting Your Wine Correctly

Tilt your glass - bartenders tilt the decanter so they don't get a glass full of foam. Tilting your decanter will help oxygenate the molecules in the wine as it bounces off the side of the decanter. 


Pay attention to decant time - We typically leave our wines in the decanter for about two hours prior to serving. Even we stick back in the fridge about 15-20 minutes prior to drinking so that our nose won't burn.